Vivacity Wellness Clinic is a health and wellness clinic located in Katy, Texas specializing in weight loss. Our goal is to help you reach your healthiest form by offering a variety of services including the Ideal Protein diet, vitamin b-12 injections, ketone monitoring, and health resources such as Walden Farms condiments, and full body composition print outs.
We assist individuals in reaching their weight loss goals by developing diet plans customized to each individual’s needs and body. With medical supervision, we identify the key nutrients your body needs and develop a plan of action that will keep the weight off after you lose it. Our staff utilizes cutting-edge technology and information to ensure accuracy in your health information.
To stay up with the latest information regarding health and wellness, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. We are committed to continuing to improve quality of life for our patients throughout the Katy, TX area. Schedule your consultation today to get started.